Yuanfu News Flash_Yuanfu Logistics Group Co.,Ltd.

Yuanfu Logistics Group Listed Again on "Top 50 of China Private Logistics Enterprises"

2024-03-04 14:49:23 124

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On Aug.3, 2023, the Analysis Meeting and the Logistics Enterprises Top 50 Forum about the Chinese Logistics Situation Development has successfully hold in Wuhan City, the Chinese Logistics and Procurement Federation published the enterprises' lists in 2023 as The Top 50 of China Logistics Enterprises, Top 50 of China Private Logistics Enterprises and the High Grow-up Logistics Enterprises. Yuanfu Logistics Group has been successfully selected in "2023 Top 50 of China Private Logistics Enterprises" by its integrated supply chain model for dry warehouse distribution, solution schemes for industrial supplying chain and the data intelligence supplying chain.


This list is published by the China Logistics and Procurement Federation, which is according to the related announcement requirements from the National Development and Reform Commission National Bureau of Statistics, and organizing and executing the statistics and investigations on national important logistics enterprises, finally, it will confirm the top 50 of 2023 based on the investigation results. The shortlisted enterprises are not only requiring on the operational scales and financial indicators should reach the domestic advanced level, but also must comply with the national initiated development orientations and the policy requirement.


It is reported that the total logistics business income for the Top 50 Logistics Enterprises in 2022 was RMB2345.6 Billion, and calculated according to the comparable caliber with the year-on-year growth was 13.4%. The threshold of the Top 50 Logistics Enterprises is RMB7.74 Billion, and the growth compared with last year is RMB 1.58 Billion. The total logistics business income Top 50 Private Logistics Enterprises is RMB1025.7 Billion, and the year-on-year growth is 18.7%. The threshold of  Top 50 Private Logistics Enterprises is RMB2.83 Billion, and the growth compared with last year is RMB1.31 Billion.

This is the second time that Yuanfu Logistics Group has been selected into this authoritative list after 2022. As the national 5A logistics enterprise, Yuanfu continuously strives for perfection in the comprehensive services of the supplying chain industry, which takes root in Shanghai as its headquarter, and reacts in chain  with seven areas of warehouse distribution centers in domestics China as East China, South China, North China, Central China, Southwest China, Northeast China and Northwest China, all of which are in order to help the industrial integration and provide the dynamic platform for the double-direction-development on the enterprises located up and downs in this industry, and finally realize the high efficiency operation on various segments of the whole supply chain industry.


Meanwhile, Yuanfu Logistics determined to spare no effort on pushing the data intelligence development on supplying chain, holding the core values as "Benefit Others, Open-minded and Win-win", building the infomationalized service platform for based on "Internet + Supplying Chain" Presently, Yuanfu Logistics already made self-research on i-scp supplying chain management platform, which contains Order Management System (OMS), Transportation Management System (TMS)Warehouse Management System (WMS), Customer Reception Management (CRM), Financial Settlement System and the Vehicle-Goods-Match Platform and some other scientific products.

In the future, Yuanfu Logistics will consist to improve its enterprise competitiveness, continue to extend the industrial chain and upgrade the value chain, pull the high quality development for modern supply chain industry, at last, it aims to devote its positive strength on the construction of modernized economic system.